Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Announcement_AGM on 04 May 2010

Angeline Lee

From: Angeline Lee [mailto:angeline.lee.sl@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 8:46 AM
Subject: Friendship AGM on 4 May 2010 7 PM

Dear Friendship Members,
On Tuesday 4 May 2010, we will be having our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to elect our Club Officers for the next term (1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011).

Your attendance in this AGM is very important as we need to have a quorum for it to be valid. After the AGM, normal meeting will resume. Please attend this AGM and vote for the person whom you think is best suited to carry out the following Club Officer roles

Vice President Education
Vice President Membership
Vice President Public Relations

If you would also like to serve in any of the above roles, please submit your nomination to the President as well as attending our AGM. The club looks forward to your attendance, participation and decision to select the best team of Club Officers to lead Friendship to another challenging, fruitful term ahead.

Angeline Lee

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