Good Plans Shape Good DecisionsReport by Angeline Lee
For our Good Plans Shape Good Decisions meeting, first-timer TME Vincent Wong certainly put in a lot of planning and preparation for his role. Each role-player was given a lavish introduction. There was even humour as he introduced the table topics session as either purgatory or paradise.
Our Table Topics Master Grace Tan ingeniously put in the words “I resolve” into each table topic question, placed in a lantern. That ensured that the Word Of the Day "resolve" was used at least once by each table topics speaker. The various speakers who resolved to improve their impromptu speaking skills were Danniel, Kwok Hung, Ali, Ian and Kim.
Guests Ali & Ian, TME Vincent, Ali and Kwok Hung
As this was a Raya cum Mooncake Festival celebration meeting, the dress code was green which many members and guests cheerfully and sportingly comply with.
Ladies in green – Angeline, Lay Theng, Rosalyn, Grace, Kim & Alex
We then had 3 great project speeches. Although it was an Ice Breaker speech from
Emily, our GE Kay Wong from Indrahana Toastmasters Club said that Emily struck her as an experienced speaker and has the makings of a future champion speaker!
President Zaiton presenting Emily her Ice Breaker ribbon
In “A Record to be Broken”, our Best Project Speaker,
Lay Theng, astounded us by telling us she did not miss a day of work for the past 18 years, as she did not take any medical leave. She then shared with us her BMS (Body, Mind and Spiritual) method of achieving this unblemished record. Not only was she a humorous speaker, her well-prepared speech was a delight from start to finish.
Kwok Hung’s “Sometimes the Ball Bounces Back”, he shared with us a hilarious tale of 5 missed flights due to his late arrival at various airports. His misadventures include misreading 2200 to mean 12 midnight, experiencing a bus break down, and even a taxi break down. This entertaining Vocal Variety speech had equal measures of misadventures and divine intervention which had us laughing out loud.
Our Evaluation session headed by GE
Kay Wong, was another fantastic segment to our great meeting. She praised our enthusiastic spirit, good attendance and warmth amongst our members. She also gave encouraging words to everyone on the evaluation team consisting of evaluators
Tom, Ben, Tony, Danniel as well as Grammarian
Angeline, Ah-Counter
Andy and Timer
Sivadas. She was correct in pointing out that our time management could be improved as our meeting ended later than usual.
Thank you to our insightful and encouraging GE Kay Wong
Among the awards handed out were
Ice Breaker Ribbon – future champion speaker Emily Kok
Best Table Topics Speaker – the ever vivacious and beautiful Kim Chow
Best Project Speaker – yet another champion speaker Tan Lay Theng
Best Evaluator – the soul of spontaneity Danniel Lim
Best Dressed Green Lady – the beautiful and sexy Grace Tan
Best Dressed Green Man – our guest Ali
Best Table Topics Speaker Kim Chow
Best Project Speaker Lay Theng
Best Evaluator Danniel, from Money & You Toastmasters Club
Here’s hoping that we have another exemplary (word of the day) meeting on 5 Oct with our meeting theme Leadership By Example. With good planning and preparation by every single role player, and enthusiastic participation from members during our meeting, surely every one is a winner and a leader as we continue in Enriching Our Life - Division W Theme - at every Friendship Toastmasters meeting.