President Ben Fong, CC, CL presenting a Thank You card to the General Evaluator,
Fabian Fidelis, ATMS, CL. We are honoured to have Fabian gracing us with his presence and performing the important role of GE. The card is signed by the club members.
Leong Kwok Hung receiving the
Best Table Topics Speaker certificate from President Ben Fong. This CEO speaks on whether a good speaker is born or made. He says it is unfair that Grace Tan (club mentor) is gifted with good looks and good speaking skills but not him. He gets the audience hooting with laughter.
President Ben Fong receiving the
Best Project Speaker certificate from the General Evaluator, Fabian Fidelis. President Ben, an enterprising entrepreneur, presents the advanced speech project "The Roast". He roasts Past President KC Lim using remarkable imagery and creative ideas. He has the audience screaming for more.
Kim Chow receiving the
Best Speech Evaluator certificate from President Ben Fong
Past President Lim Kien Chai @ KC Lim, ACG, CL is the
Toastmaster of the Meeting. This accountant cum lawyer who owns a law firm is now a globe-trotter. He did a stint at the Shaolin Temple in China not long ago. So, it is refreshing to see him conduct the meeting with Shaolin vigour!
Fabian Fidelis, ATMS, CL, is the
General Evaluator. He hails from Sunway Toastmasters Club. This eloquent Toastmaster is a training consultant. It is wonderful watching him in action and listening to his spellbinding voice.
Rosalyn Tan is the
Table Topics Master. She cleverly introduces topics that are related to the meeting theme "Speak Good, Speak Well". Bravo!
Tom Chen is the
Table Topics Evaluator. This global banker cum corporate coach gives invaluable feedback to the five table topics speakers.
Jeffrey Yap is the son of Past President Freddie Yap. Although he is only 16, he has a burning desire to be a good speaker. It gives him the rare courage to be the first speaker during the Table Topics session. Later, he tells the club that he wants to visit again and asks if he can bring along his best friend. That's a good role model! Like father like son!
Yvonne is a guest who makes her maiden visit to a Toastmasters club. She speaks articulately during Table Topics. She is witty and uses Grace Tan (club mentor) as an illustration in her speech.
Khairul Hassan, the club treasurer, performs two roles at the meeting - Ah Counter and Table Topics speaker. In her table topics speech, she cites Grace Tan (club mentor) as a good speaker whom she admires.
Elaine Tan presents a speech based on project 4: Say it with words. At the end of her speech, everybody in the audience wants to visit the fish market in Sydney, Australia! She uses powerful imagery in her speech e.g. plump, silvery fish grinning at you.
Zaiton Zainal Abidin, the VPE, presents a speech based on project 6: Vocal Variety. She tells a dramatic story of her first trip to New York where she boarded the wrong train and ended up in Bronx. She uses her voice effectively to depict her fear, anxiety and finally, relief.
Past President Freddie Yap, CC, CL, presented an advanced speech project "The Folk Tale". He mesmerized the audience with his dramatic and animated presentation. Bravo! We can't wait for more storytelling from you!
The Toastmaster who gets the most mention in the speeches is
GRACE TAN (click here to know more about this amazing lady)
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