Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Photos @ 03 Nov 2009

The Best Table Topics Speaker is G Sivalingam, DTM, Past President of D'Utama Toastmasters Club. He speaks articulately and animatedly on his dream job.

The Best Project Speaker is Leong Kwok Hung who presented Project 5: Your Body Speaks. Toastmaster Leong is a CEO who flies around the globe. He gives an interesting and entertaining speech on how to have a good night's sleep and enjoy "Sweet Dreams" on an aircraft. His expert use of body language thrills the audience and earns him sweet accolades.

The Best Speech Evaluator is Grace Tan, CC, CL. This gorgeous and vivacious lady wins again and again. What's her secret formula?

Past President, Freddie Yap, CC, CL, is the Toastmaster of the Meeting. He is a seasoned Toastmaster who charms the audience with his captivating smile and commanding voice. He steers the meeting effortlessly and introduces every speaker brilliantly. Bravo!

Dr Sharon Tong, ACB, ALS, is the General Evaluator. She is the Past Division W Governor of District 51 and Past President of WIM Toastmasters Club. An exemplary Toastmaster with admirable dedication, Dr Sharon gives invaluable feedback that will surely propel the club to greater heights of achievement. Thanks so much, Dr Sharon!

G Sivalingam, DTM, Past President of D'Utama Toastmasters Club, is one of the speech evaluators. He gives a very clear and discerning evaluation of the Project: A Dramatic Talk from The Entertaining Speaker manual.

Jasmin Emmanuel-Lee is one of the Table Topics speakers. Although this is her first visit to a Toastmasters club, she gallantly accepts the challenge to be the first speaker during the Table Topics session. Bravo!

Wai Yee is one of the Table Topics speakers. She arrives at the meeting as a guest, but leaves as a member. She has signed up as a member! Bravo!

The versatile Grace Tan plays a few roles during the meeting. She is a Table Topics speaker, the humour master and a speech evaluator. Bravo!

Gino Chong plays two roles during the meeting. He is the Ah Counter and Table Topics speaker.

Zaiton Zainal Abidin, VPE, delivers a powerful invocation. She reads a poem that complements the meeting theme 'Follow Your Heart'. Here is the poem "Anything is Possible":

If there was ever a time to dare,
To make a difference,
To embark on something worth doing,
Not for any grand cause, necessarily…
But for something that tugs at your heart,
Something that’s your inspiration,
Something that’s your dream.
You owe it to yourself to make your days here count.
Know, though, that things worth doing seldom come easy.
There will be good days.
And there will be bad days.
There will be times when you want to turn around,
Pack it up, and call it quits.
Those times tell you
That you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid
to learn by trying.
Because with an idea,
Determination, and the right tools,
You can do great things.
Let your instincts, your intellect,
And your heart, guide you.
Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.
Of doing something that makes a difference.
Of working hard.
Of laughing and hoping.
Of lazy afternoons
Of lasting friends
Of all the things that will cross your path this year
The start of something new brings the hope of something great, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

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