At Friendship’s Annual General Meeting, the 2011/2012 team of Club Officers presented their respective reports.
Vice President Education - Chor Chee Hoe
Vice President Membership - Alexandra Lau
Vice President Public Relations – on behalf of Susan Lim
Treasurer - Ian Tai
Secretary - Daphne Au
Sergeant-At-Arms – on behalf of Andy Supramaniam
This was followed by the election of Club Officers for term 2012/2013. Congratulations to
Vice President Education - Daphne Au
Vice President Membership - Sylvia Tan
Vice President Public Relations - Ian Tai
Treasurer - Vivien Kok
Secretary - Chor Chee Hoe
Sergeant-At-Arms - Sivadas
(From left) The 2012/2013 Club Officers are VPPR Ian, SAA Sivadas, Secretary Chee Hoe, President Alexandra, IPP Angeline, VPE Daphne and Treasurer Vivien
Right after the AGM, Nancy presented her Competent Communication speech no. 2 titled “The Beginning of My Career Life”. She spoke eloquently, sharing with us her transition from student life to working life in Melbourne. After visiting her ailing uncle, she decided that home is where the heart is. We are very glad that Nancy has also decided to make Friendship a part of her life!
Nancy receiving her Ice Breaker Ribbon. She presented her Ice Breaker speech on 17 April
Past President Freddie was Nancy’s speech evaluator and he was ready to present his evaluation report, immediately after her speech. Needless to say, it was a superb evaluation for a superb speaker.
Ice Breaker Ribbon – Nancy Soo
CL Ribbon - Vice President Education Chee Hoe
District 51 Blue Pin - Vice President Education Chee Hoe
Select Distinguished Club Award – presented to Friendship Club during the 2012 KL Convention
VPE Chee Hoe receiving his CL Ribbon and District 51 Pin
(From left) Past President Freddie, VPE Chee Hoe with his CL Ribbon, Nancy with her Ice Breaker Ribbon, Past President Teresa (holding Friendship's Select Distinguished Club award) and Club President Angeline
A special note of thanks to Past President Teresa, who attends our AGM every year, without fail. Her gentle encouragement and support for Friendship Club is much appreciated. Once again, she has graciously accepted the role of Club Auditor for 2012/2013, together with Past President Freddie.
On 1 July 2012, the newly elected club officers’ duties will begin and it will also mark a new beginning for Friendship Toastmasters Club.
President-elect Alexandra, Daphne, Sylvia, Ian, Vivien, Chee Hoe and Sivadas, we wish you all the best, as you carry out your duties and responsibilities as the new generation of Friendship leaders !