It was the week after Christmas, Friendship’s very first meeting for 2012! With VPE Chee Hoe and Toastmaster of the Evening (TME) Lay Theng assiduously (word of the day) preparing for our club meeting, it was bound to successfully Overcome the Barriers of an unprepared meeting.
TME Lay Theng told us that each time she prepares the introduction of Toastmasters International (TI) and checks the TI website on the number of clubs worldwide, she is astonished that it increases all the time.
IPP Zaiton, VPPR Susan and Kwok Hung at our Overcome the Barriers meeting
First off, we had our Table Topics Session lead by VPM Alexandra. She had chosen topics related to barriers that we face every day – stress, anxiety, defeat, doubt and criticism.
Ian admitted that it was a stressful time for him when he did his first Table Topic last year. His recommendation to us is to do more Table Topics. It was an example of words suiting action as he has regularly volunteered for Table Topics in our club meetings.
For Immediate Past President (IPP) Zaiton, she deals with anxiety by staying calm and taking one step at a time. President Angeline had many doubts lately as she worried whether she was able to complete all her work tasks on time. SAA Andy spoke on criticism and recommended positive feedback instead of negative criticism.
Our General Evaluator (GE) Dr. Devi gamely decided to take part in Table Topics as well and spoke on defeat. More often than not, we think of fearful possibilities when asked to do something. She suggested that we conquer our fears, to look on the bright side of things instead. Every morning, she said, look in the mirror and say, “You are the best!”
Eloquent Dr. Devi (right) is the Best Table Topic Speaker
In “Lesson from a Tadpole”, Club Secretary Daphne told us of her immense disappointment when she did not get to be Cinderella in her school play. From the coveted role of Cinderella to being cast as a tadpole, it was a severe let down. However, plucky Daphne decided that where there is a will, there is a way. She learnt that she must not give up or she will never achieve her dreams.
Daphne, in her tadpole role, searching for her momma
In her “What are Friends for?” speech, adventurous VPPR Susan told us of her excited anticipation about her impending 5 hours hike at Cameron Highlands. However, it was not to be as her group of friends had to cancel their plans due to a landslide warning. She concluded that when life gives you lemon, drink lemonade with your friends, who are always there for you, offering a pair of helping hands, and a pair of ears to listen to your woes.
Susan, who drinks lemonade with her band of faithful friends
We certainly has plenty of stories in “Stories from the Workplace”, Kwok Hung’s speech based on the advanced manual “The Entertaining Speaker”. Stories abound about salesman, sales demo and a batman car. This experienced speaker had started his career at an accounting firm and today is the boss of his IT firm.
Kwok Hung (left) receiving the Best Project Speaker award
Our General Evaluator hailing from Sai Masters and Taman Indrahana Toastmasters Club is an accomplished Toastmaster and the current Division W Evaluation Champion. It was a pleasure to welcome Dr. Devi Menon as our General Evaluator, her third visit to our club. She reminded us that we can ask for feedback from other Toastmasters, not just from our assigned evaluators.
It was not often that we have Sivadas taking up the role of Table Topic Evaluator. Encouraged by VPE Chee Hoe to do so, he took up this role to hone his evaluation skills. He was full of praise for the 5 Table Topic speakers.
TTE Sivadas
GE Dr. Devi described Treasurer Ian as a young and upcoming evaluator. She was impressed that in his evaluation of Daphne, he made full use of body language in his delivery. He was assiduous in his evaluation and also spent time after the club meeting to talk to Daphne to provide her with further feedback.
Evaluator Ian speaking to Daphne
The awards given out for our Overcome the Barriers meeting went to
Best Table Topic Speaker – Dr. Devi Menon, DTM (Sai Masters Club)
Best Project Speaker – Leong Kwok Hung, CC
Best Speech Evaluator – Angeline Lee, ACB, ALB
President Angeline receiving the Best Speech Evaluator award from TME Lay Theng
At the end of the club meeting, VPE Chee Hoe made an announcement on behalf of VPM Alexandra who was not feeling well. For our on-going membership campaign, there are unlimited gifts available for members who bring guests to our meetings. It’s never too late to tell your friends and colleagues about the benefits of Toastmasters and invite them to our club meetings!
VPE Chee Hoe announcing the gifts for our on-going membership campaign
Our next meeting will be on 17 January 2012 with the meeting theme Words of Wisdom. Do join us for another round of learning and fellowship, especially if you had made a new year’s resolution to overcome your fears of public speaking!